Friday, September 30, 2011

My family of doves

I am now looking for a carpenter to make a dove house for my family of doves.  They have been in my inner garden for about 3 years now.  Their soothing cooing in the early morning brings serenity . There are now two little baby doves. Already flying around. They seem to sleep in the olive tree that is close to my Olive cottage, flying to other olive trees when i get too close. This morning , i was able to catch daddy dove on this pole next to the oleanders. As soon as i tried to approach him closer, he flew.  Also this morning 3 swallows swooped over me and drank from the pool.  Never thought that i would get to like birdwatching. A friend, pointed out to me, that i also have some very interesting butterflies here on my property. Always lots to do around my "quinta"